Friday 5 October 2012

Slogans we have loved in Myanmar

Many a time we were very taken by the Myanmar version of English that we saw on billboards and signs: So here's a few:
  1. Warmly Welcome and Take Care of Tourists
This one was everywhere and clearly put up by the government to encourage tourists - or was it designed to direct the Myanmar people to be nice to us!!??

2. Open Happiness

This was a Coke billboard depicting two people made of coke looking happy.

It's a lovely sentiment and my personal favourite, but it also has political significance as Coke has only just reentered the country, preceded by Pepsi a few months ago. Both companies withdrew from Myanmar due to the trade sanctions.

3. All respect All suspect

Above the security machine at Yangon Airport

4. Wear the crash helmet, save your life

Bright coloured helmets everywhere but often not done up securely.

5. Project for Afforestation of the Very Dry Zone

A worthy project in the dry Manadaly region

6. Make a Sweety Home with our Nice Furniture

Not exactly aspirational is it?

7. Your's Dream Near Place

This somewhat confusing slogan was for the Hotel near the Airport in Yangon.

8. Airline slogans:

Flying Beyond Expectations

Flying Beyond Your Dreams

or the more practical:

 We'll get you there safely

9. Outside every police station in Myannmar there is a large sign saying

May we help you?

And in Vietnam:

8. Taxi Exploitation prohibited

How exactly does one exploit a taxi??? We saw this at the Da Nang Airport.

9. Let's ease the pain of Agent Orange together

This was attached to a Donation box. It's sad how echoes of the War remain.

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